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Donut Factory

Official Site of the Quirky & Wondrous

Literary Journal



Now Accepting
Submissions for
Fall 2016
Past Issues


Donut Factory is based out of Berkeley, CA. All proceeds go towards prizes for outstanding contributors to the publication.


Donut Factory is published 4x per year. The winter issue is also the culmination project for the year.

The editor, A. E. Phillips, holds degrees in English, Social Welfare, and Creative Writing from the University of California at Berkeley.

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Awards and Prizes

Awards &


2016 Maple Bar Awards

This year's winners (and the first of their kind) will be announced at the end of December with the publication of the winter/culmination issue. All submissions published in 2016 will be considered anonymously by a small panel of judges. Prize amounts will be announced in November.


Fall 2016 Deadline:

September 30, 2016

We're looking for:

  • Poetry (any form, prose poetry preferred) and flash/short fiction (up to 3,000 words).

  • Any genre - quirkiness encouraged.

  • Reprints & simultaneous submissions are acceptable.


How to submit:

  • Attach your submission to in Word format (.doc, .docx, .rtf).

  • Include a short bio (75 words or less).

  • Up to 3 pieces per submission, per issue.


Payment & misc.:

  • You will receive a free PDF copy of the issue(s) your work is featured in.

  • Acceptance of your work means publication in the current issue, as well as the year-end winter culmination issue. Your electronic submission will be considered as an agreement to all terms set above.


© 2016

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